Saturday, February 11, 2017

Number 45 and Immigrants and Refugees and Deportations

Hello, Everyone,

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted--as we all know, a lot has happened since November!
I have attended numerous protests and am cranking out "pussy" hats as fast as I can knit them!

As a Mexican American I feel especially at odds with our new "so-called" President. Not only does he seem to have an irrational hatred of the Mexican people and Mexican immigrants, but he has promulgated numerous stereotypes and lies about us.

I can't believe that despite the long and ongoing history of imperialist exploitation of Mexico by the U.S (E.U.) it has for some reason been possible to boondoggle many Norteamericanos into believing that Mexico has "taken advantage of" the United States!  This administration has a remarkable capacity for inverting the truth when not cynically manufacturing "alternative facts" (aka "lies) that suit their purposes.

So as I write Latinos are being rounded up and deported in record numbers (which is not to say that Obama was not also guilty of this)!  People are terrified and families and communities are being torn apart. Let us all resist these actions in every way we can!

Perhaps the recent outpouring of sympathy for the highly educated Muslim immigrants and refugees who were shut out can serve as a bridge to help mainstream Americans recognize the humanity and value of immigrants who may still be awaiting opportunities to succeed in this nation, such as our brothers and sisters from Latin America.

On a more positive note, I've just posted here a short piece of fiction of mine which has just been accepted for publication.  It is a memoir piece relating some childhood memories about my Dad. No doubt, it seems rather idyllic in the face of what many Latino children are now having to cope with, but I hope you will enjoy it and I welcome critiques and comments.

!Que viva la lucha!


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